Curd is a fermented dairy product known all over the world. The fermentation process takes place by adding bacteria to the milk. The unique nutritional value of curds is beneficial in various ways.
Yogurt has always been known to be high in calcium which helps strengthen your bones and your teeth.
Calcium maintains the density of your skeletal bones through years of deposit while your body is growing the most.
Because of this, children especially benefit from the calcium found in yogurt.
After permanent teeth erupt, calcium can help prevent tooth decay by remineralizing enamel.
It is believed that the healthy bacteria found in yogurt helps protect your gums and teeth from disease and decay, as well as decreasing the oral levels of hydrogen sulfide which can lead to bad breath.
A Japanese study of 1,000 adults revealed that the healthiest gums were found in those who ate the most yogurt. Probiotics, also known as the “good bacteria” found in yogurt contain active cultures which may help to slow the growth of cavity-causing bacteria.
Dairy products such as milk and yogurt are excellent foods containing protein, providing essential amino acids and organic nitrogen. They also contain calcium, phosphate, casein, and lipids, which are considered factors with anti-cariogenic effects.
Probiotics incorporated into dairy products neutralize acidic conditions in the mouth and interfere with cariogenic bacteria( caries causing bacteria ).
These ingredients modulate the acidity of saliva and plaque, causing the remineralization of early carious lesions, in addition to having some degrees of antibacterial properties.
As already told, curd contains probiotics, living beneficial microorganisms with an inhibitory effect on pathogenic bacteria.
Basic preventive measures of tooth decay